The fund raising has begun!
For starters, my mom is having a "Cash for Gold" party at her salon in Fitchburg this weekend. It was a little hastily thrown together, but looks like it should actually be a pretty cool event. For those of you not familiar with "Cash for Gold", like myself, guests can bring any white or yellow gold, whether it be old, broken or whatever, and receive a check for it right there. Of course 10% will be taken out and donated toward the the girls' adoption process.
That event should be pretty cool and I know my mom and her lady friends are excited about it (admittedly, maybe it's just cause I'm a guy that I'm not getting too excited about jewelry themed party haha).
Howeverrrr... the rest of our family is getting pretty excited about the shin-dig going down the following weekend....
Howeverrrr... the rest of our family is getting pretty excited about the shin-dig going down the following weekend....
Party Time!
First I just have to say we've been so blessed and blown away by the help and support of friends and family to help pull these events together. A few shout outs of thanks start with a HUGE shout out to Jenny Reid for being the general genius/driving force behind the whole night. To the Finch family for helping us with a facility to put the whole thing on. Of course huge, HUGE thanks to our favorite DJ John Maroudas and his wife Sandra for donating their time to come and keep the party moving. And to everyone else who is helping out along the way, I know I'm missing a lot of you, but thank you all and we love you so so much.
The whole thing is goin down Saturday night, Feb. 27th at the Dom Polski Club in Lowell and hopes to be the most "fun" fund raiser in the history of histories. Tickets will be $10 at the door, all proceeds obviously going toward the adoption (obviously). There will be plenty of food, a cash bar, raffles, and of course, music and dancing (booty shaking... if you will... and I know you will... you should).
It will be really cool to get together with everyone and have a time of celebrating and sharing our excitement with so many of our friends, family and loved ones who will also soon be welcoming the girls into their lives we welcome them into our home. We truly are blessed by all the love in our lives and to have such a great support system to be bringing the girls into. I guess if you're reading this, thank you all for being a part of our lives. It really is a blessing.
And of course, we hope to see everyone come out and party with us next saturday! Whooo!
(If you're interested in coming and partying with us, but need more information, feel free to comment, email me, or better yet, here is the facebook event page. Anyone looking to have some good clean fun is more than welcome to join us.)
(If you're interested in coming and partying with us, but need more information, feel free to comment, email me, or better yet, here is the facebook event page. Anyone looking to have some good clean fun is more than welcome to join us.)
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